According to the source, the family members from Gugulethu are very worried after a 16 year old Sindisiwe Nxokwane left the three room home they staying in, to the toilet and never returns.
The source revealed that Sindisiwe Nxokwane is mentally ill, she left home on the 20th of March a day after she had arrived with her mother, they were coming from Cape Town. They said she didn’t know anyone in Gugulethu because she was just arrived for the first time.
They said on the day of the incident they checked everywhere and noticed that the gate was open which means she left the yard. They searched to nearby houses with no luck. Family member told the source that after she was missing she was spotted at Lloyd Skwattakamp but they also went there but no luck on my finding her.
Anyone with the information may contact South African police toll free 10111.