In some of the country, if you lived a life of crime, and you used to torture people while you were alive, then people will normally celebrate when you die, and it’s even more likely that you will not get a dignified funeral, as some people will not even come or they come to just sing and dance and to make sure that it you who died. Over the past few months, we have seen so many funerals, where these kinds of things were happening, and it’s all because the people who died were not very good people when they were alive.
There is a video that has been all over Tiktok lately, and it seems that the video might have left several people questioning why the people in the video, were doing what they were doing.
The video starts with a group of men pulling a coffin out of the back of a pickup truck, and putting it on the group, where they proceed to throw clothes and leaves on top of the coffin. It seemed as if this was the funeral of a person the community did not like because some of the men were even seen throwing the coffin around and laughing.
People in the comments were so shocked that people would bury someone as if they did not matter. Some people even mentioned that it’s clear that the person’s loved ones were not there, because if they were then this wouldn’t happen.